Wednesday 17 February 2010

Boris Johnson's secret plans for fire service cuts

Leaked documents and secret plans.

As is so often the case, Adam Bienkov has the scoop over at the Tory Troll blog.

Monday 15 February 2010

Toad of City Hall

The FBU have absolutely nailed it here :-)

I would love to get a copy of this image I must say.

Friday 12 February 2010

London firefighters protest against Brian Coleman

These clips, from last night's news, clearly demonstrate the level of anger that London firefighters are feeling against Brian Coleman. For background information on the dispute, I recommend the excellent 'Tory Troll' blog here and here.

Anyone know where I can get one of those 'Coleman must go' t-shirts? :-))

Thursday 11 February 2010

Brian Coleman's diary

The Barnet Times reports that long-time advocate of sustainable transport solutions: Mayor Brian 'Mr Toad' Coleman, took the mayoral car down to Edgware Infant School yesterday, to congratulate the pupils over the efforts they've made to walk to school.

Tonight Mr Toad is due to attend a meeting of the Barnet Weight Watchers to share his insights regarding self-restraint in the face of food temptation.

Later this week he'll be demonstrating to the Trappists, his expertise in keeping his trap shut.

Etc, etc............

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Ball gown Bertha and the ugly sisters

The ugly sisters are having a laugh.

Brian Coleman's deputy at the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA), has been caught out buying ball gowns for herself with money that should have gone to charity. Yesterday, Bertha 'ball gown' Joseph lost an appeal against her six month suspension. Adam Bienkov at the Tory Troll has the scoop.

However, ball gown Bertha not only still gets to go to the LFEPA ball - she's guest of honour. As Labour Vice Chair of LFEPA Navin Shah pointed out:
"Boris Johnson the Mayor of London, Cllr Bob Blackman and Cllr Brian Coleman’s record has been lamentable on this matter. Cllr Coleman Chair of LFEPA and his Tory colleagues have not only supported the disgraceful conduct of their member, but they’ve rewarded Cllr Joseph by handing out additional £12,000 a year from public purse and elevating her to the position of a Deputy Chair of the Fire Authority."

The ugly sisters are having a laugh. At us.